Cercopithecoides kerioensis (Cercopithecidae)

Cercopithecoides kerioensis ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Cercopithecidae, die ab dem Pliozän lebte, das vor rund 5,333 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor vor 2,588 Millionen Jahren andauerte.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Cercopithecoides kerioensis
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Lothagam - Apak Mb. 64 kmN Kanapoi,4.8 kmSW Kerio delta on SW side of Lake Turkana. Zanclean
zwischen 2.59 und 5.33 Millionen Jahren
Nachukui ETE Locality 1058, Lothagam 1, Lothagam 1C, Lothagam, Lothagam - Apak Mb, Nachukui Formation
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
K-Ar dating constrains the base of the Apak Member to be older than 4.22 +/- 0.03 Ma (from altered pumices 35 m above the base of the Apak Member) and younger than about 5 Ma (4.9 Ma is suggested). The top of the Apak Member is the Lothagam Basalt, which has been dated (K-Ar) to 4.2 +/- 0.03 Ma. The Apak Member encompasses sediments overlying the Purple Marker of the Upper Nawata and beneath the Lothagam basalt. It is characterized by thick upward-fining cycles. Lithologies are 71% sandstone and 29% mudstone. Sand bodies are typically single-storied, dominated by a coarse quartzofeldspathic sand at the base, and fining upward to a pedogenically modified mudstone. In the southern exposures, the upper part of the member includes lacustrine strata with abundant fish remains, probably reflecting the development of the Lonyumun Lake at ca. 4.1 Ma. Mammalian faunas are not abundant in the member.


M. G. Leakey, J. M. Harris 2003, Lothagam: the dawn of humanity in eastern Africa. Lothagam: the dawn of humanity in eastern Africa. , p. 678