Homunculus vizcainoi (Homunculidae)

Homunculus vizcainoi ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Homunculidae, die ab dem Neogen (Miozän) im Burdigalium lebte, das vor rund 20,4 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 16 Millionen Jahren andauerte.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Homunculus vizcainoi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation
Segundas Barrancas Blancas (SBB) - Estancia El Tordillo (EET) Coordinates from Cuitino et al 2019 that focuses on the stratigraphy and geography of the localities. Estancia El Tordillo 2 (EET2; S 50° 16’ 39.08”; W 70° 13’ 26.18”), Estancia El Tordillo 1 (EET1; S50° 16’ 43.00”; W 70° 15’ 9.90”). Coordinates here is the mean of EET1 and EET2 Burdigalian
zwischen 16.3 und 17.5 Millionen Jahren
Santa Cruz
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
Segundas Barrancas Blancas (SBB; 16.47–15.3 Ma), with three sites, Estancia Cordón Alto1 (ECA), Estancia Cordón Alto2 (ECA2), and Estancia el Tordillo (EET); The SCF here in the SBB is composed of fine-grained sediments of FAs 1 and 2, although conspicuous lenticular sandstone bodies of FA3 are observed (Fig. 10). The sections are locally correlated using a tuff layer (CECA-2 tuff; Cuitiño et al., 2016) and tabular, laterally extensive and distinctive yellow beds (Figs. 10 and 11). The CECA-2 tuff layer is about 1 m thick (Fig. 10.3) and was dated at the EET1 Section by Cuitiño et al. (2016) with an age of 16.32 ± 0.62 Ma. This tuff allows the correlation of Section EET1 with Section ECA1 (Fig. 11) 3.5 km away. Conspicuous yellow beds also used for correlation are a package of about 10 m of fine-grained sediments assigned to FA1 that contains two or three layers that contrast in color with the remaining beds of the SCF (Fig. 10). These beds were used to correlate sections EET2, ECA2 and ECA1 (Fig. 11). Although present in Section ECA, the yellow layers are barely visible due to the presence of thick lenticular sandstone deposits that partly erode them (Figs. 10.1 and 11). Finally, due to the lack of guide levels, Section Point 9 was located in the correlation scheme according to its elevation above sea level (Fig. 11).


R. F. Kay, J. M. G. Perry 2019, New Primates From the Río Santa Cruz and Río Bote (Early-Middle Miocene), Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina. 19:2, p. 230 - 238, DOI: 10.5710/PEAPA.24.08.2019.289