Donrussellia lusitanica

Donrussellia lusitanica ist eine Primatenart, die ab dem Paläogen (Eozän) im Ypresium lebte, das vor rund 56 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 47,8 Millionen Jahren andauerte.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Donrussellia lusitanica
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Silveirinha clay pit The clay pit of Silveirinha is located near the National Road 109, about 13 km south of the Mondego estuary and the town of Figueira da Foz (Callapez, 2003, Ciências da Terra, 15, 83-90). Coordinates are based on settlement of Silveirinha Grande. Ypresian
zwischen 48.6 und 55.8 Millionen Jahren
Silveirinha Silveirinha Pequena
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
The exact stratigraphic position of the Silveirinha locality is not fully constrained. It is generally regarded as either latest Paleocene and/or earliest Eocene. Most authors prefer assignment to the Early Eocene (MN7), based on mammal biostratigraphy (see e.g. Pais et al., 2012, Paleogene and Neogene of Western Iberia. Springer). (TL) The Silveirinha Formation consists of fossiliferous lenticular calcitic conglomerates as well as laminated and cross bedded sands and brownish-red silts. (Pais et al., 2012)
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Arcius zbyszewskii


C. Estravís 2000, Nuevos mamíferos del Eoceno Inferior de Silveirinha (Baixo Mondego, Portugal). Coloquios de Paleontología. 51, p. 281 - 311
