Solimoea acrensis (Atelidae)

Solimoea acrensis ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Atelidae, die ab dem Neogen (Miozän) im Tortonium lebte, das vor rund 11,6 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 7,2 Millionen Jahren andauerte.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Solimoea acrensis
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation
Rio Acre This is a very large area, and needs to be split up. See Cozzuol 2006. Tortonian
zwischen 7.25 und 11.62 Millionen Jahren
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Acrecebus fraileyi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Patos, Rio Acre The new primate fossils occur in the Solimoes Formation at Patos, along the upper Acre River (10° 55' 55" S, 69° 550' 20" W) in a riverbank cut approximately 38 km upriver from the towns of Assis (on the Brazilian side) and Inapari (on the Peruvian side) (Fig. 1). The outcrop is visible only in the low-water season and consists of an intraformational conglomerate with clasts of clay and silt. It is part of a large paleochannel Tortonian
zwischen 5.33 und 11.61 Millionen Jahren
Solimoes LACM 4611
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
The outcrop is visible only in the low-water season and consists of an intraformational conglom- erate with clasts of clay and silt. It is part of a large paleochan- nel (Fig. 2). The base of the unit is not visible, and its upper part is covered by vegetation. The outcrop is visible only in the low-water season and consists of an intraformational conglom- erate with clasts of clay and silt.


M. A. Cozzuol 2006, The Acre vertebrate fauna: Age, diversity, and geography. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 21, p. 185 - 203
R. F. Kay, M. A. Cozzuol 2006, New platyrrhine monkeys from the Solimoes Formation (late Miocene, Acre State, Brazil). Journal of Human Evolution. 50:6, p. 673 - 686
