Palaechthon torrejonius

Palaechthon torrejonius ist eine Primatenart, die ab dem Paläogen (Paläozän) im Danium lebte, das vor rund 66 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 61,6 Millionen Jahren andauerte.


Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Palaechthon torrejonius
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Big Pocket NW 1/4 sec 14 T27N R11W, Kutz Canyon "Almost all the material was recovered from approximately 100 linear yards of outcrop" (Wilson 1951) Danian
zwischen 61.7 und 63.3 Millionen Jahren
Nacimiento Angels Peak; KUVP Loc. 13; Locality NM 13; NMMNH 2635; UALP 7435, 7436, 75144; NMMNH locality L-2635
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
from "a zone... three to four feet in thickness... The actual bone layer, not as yet located, may prove to be thinner than this" (Wilson 1951) not far below the middle of a reversed magnetic polarity zone in the Kutz Canyon section interpreted as C27r based on the position of the K-T boundary in the correlative Barrel Spring Arroyo = De-na-zin Wash section: see Butler et al. 1977, Lucas et al. 1997 "reddish silt" (Wilson 1951) UALP localities are at exactly the same level as KUVP 13 but may be at some distance following taxa listed by Williamson and Lucas may be from Big Pocket or a stratigraphically nearby locality: ? Peradectes sp. "D" Pentacodon inversus Protictis haydenianus "Protictis" sp. "A" Protictis (Protictis) sp. "B" Triisodon quivirensis Ellipsodon inaequidens
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Plesiolestes nacimienti
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Kutz Canyon (KUVP loc. 14) sec 14, T27N, R11W Danian
zwischen 61.7 und 63.3 Millionen Jahren
Nacimiento NMMNH 624, 625, 627, 628, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1263, 1397, 2628, 2630, 2716, 2718, 2726; UALP 75139, 78100; KU-14
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
near the base of a reversed magnetic polarity zone in the Kutz Canyon section interpreted as C27r based on the position of the K-T boundary in the correlative Barrel Spring Arroyo = De-na-zin Wash section: see Butler et al. 1977, Lucas et al. 1997 "70 feet lower... 1/4 mile southeast of locality 13" according to Wilson and Szalay 1972
identical to list 2 of Williamson 1996; both lists omit multis
includes NMMNH sites


T. E. Williamson, S. G. Lucas 1993, Paleocene vertebrate paleontology of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History Bulletin. 2, p. 105 - 136
L. M. Van Valen, S. G. Lucas 1994, The origin of the plesiadapid primates and the nature of Purgatorius. Evolutionary Monographs. 15, p. 1 - 79