Patos, Rio Acre, Brasilien

Fundort: Patos, Rio Acre, Brasilien, Acre, Brasilien
Taxon: Solimoea acrensis aus der Familie Atelidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
2 Fossilien gefunden:
Bezeichng. Anzahl Seite Körpert./Zahn Abkürzg.
Mesofossils, The outcrop is visible only in the low-water season and consists of an intraformational conglom- erate with clasts of clay and silt. It is part of a large paleochan- nel (Fig. 2). The base of the unit is not visible, and its upper part is covered by vegetation., The outcrop is visible only in the low-water season and consists of an intraformational conglom- erate with clasts of clay and silt.
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 5,333 und 11,608 Millionen Jahre aus der Solimoes Formation in Brasilien
Geologie, Sratigraphie Tortonian, Messinian / Late Miocene / Solimoes
Koordinaten: 10° 55 ' 54 '' S, 69° 55 ' 19 '' W


R. F. Kay, M. A. Cozzuol 2006, New platyrrhine monkeys from the Solimoes Formation (late Miocene, Acre State, Brazil). Journal of Human Evolution. 50:6, p. 673 - 686
