Cachoeira do Bandeira, Brasilien

Fundort: Cachoeira do Bandeira, Brasilien, Acre, Brasilien
Taxon: Acrecebus fraileyi aus der Familie Cebidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
2 Fossilien gefunden:
Bezeichng. Anzahl Seite Körpert./Zahn Abkürzg.
Macrofossils, The river edge outcrops are accessible only during the low-water season (July to OCtober) and omprise clay-pebble conglomerate (Acre Conglomerate Member in Frailey 1986) and gray to brown, often limey claystones. the base of the units is not visible, and their upper parts are covered by vegetation.
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 5,333 und 11,608 Millionen Jahre aus der Solimoes Formation in Brasilien
Geologie, Sratigraphie Tortonian, Messinian / Late Miocene / Solimoes
Koordinaten: 10° 56 ' 21 '' S, 69° 20 ' 37 '' W


M. B. S. Lacerda, P. S. R. Romano, K. L. N. Bandeira, L. D. de Souze 2021, Georeferencing fossiliferous localities from Solimões and Acre Basins (Brazil) -what we know so far about Solimões Formation and future perspectives. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. , p.
