Neosaimiri annectens (Cebidae)

Neosaimiri annectens ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Cebidae.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Neosaimiri annectens
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation
Duke Locality 32 (La Venta Fauna) Approximately 5 km east of Villavieja between the Central and Eastern Cordilleras, Huila Department, Colombia Serravallian
zwischen 11.8 und 13.8 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
Note: This collection had a Friasian age but this must be the Friasian sensu lato, that includes the Friasian sensu stricto, Mayoan and Laventan. The Cardon Red beds have been dated as 12.2-12.5Ma aprox. (Flynn et al., 1997). this makes them Laventan in age. The Honda Group is constrained by radiometric and paleomagnetic evidence to between approximately 13.5 Ma–11.8 Ma (Flynn et al., 1996; Guerrero, 1996; Madden et al., 1996). Fine-grained deposits, including red claystone and mudstone with very minor sandstone
Sammlung Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation
Masato Site Serravallian
zwischen 11.8 und 13.8 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
The Honda Group exposed in La Venta consists of three formations: the Cervetana, Villavieja and Las Mesitas Formations (in ascending order). Most of the primate and other mammalian fossils have been obtained from the Villavieja Formation, which consists of alternating beds of claystone, silt stone and sandstone. The Villavieja Formation is subdivided into four members: the Molina, Los Mangos Red, Las Lajas and Tatacoa Red Members (in ascending order). The “Monkey Unit” of Fields (1959), which is very famous for yielding many primate fossils, corresponds to the lower part of the Molina Member. The present materials were recovered from the Masato Site, which corresponds to the lowest part of the Tatacoa Red Member. Note: This locality had a M. Miocene age assigned. But: Stirton (1953) elevated the term Honda to the Group category. Wellman (1967), included "Grupo Honda" in the Villavieja Formation and La Dorada Formation and makes a good description of the fragments of these formations, which contributes to the definition of the area of origin of the sediments. However, the evolution of diagenetic processes in the rocks studied was not detailed. Finally, Guerrero (1993) established that the Honda Group is comprised of La Victoria Formation to the base and the overlying Villavieja Formation. According to Flynn et al., 1997, the Honda group consists of the La Victoria formation (lower part) and the Villavieja formation (upper part). The Tatacoa red sandstone beds are part of the La Victoria formation. They have an age between 13.3-12.5Ma, making them Laventan in age.


D. J. Meldrum, R. F. Kay 1997, Postcranial skeleton of Laventan Platyrrhines. Vertebrate Paleontology in the Neotropics. The Miocene fauna of La Venta, Colombia. , p. 459 - 472
