Libypithecus markgrafi (Cercopithecidae)

Libypithecus markgrafi ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Cercopithecidae, die ab dem Neogen (Pliozän) im Piacenzium lebte, das vor rund 3,6 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 2,6 Millionen Jahren andauerte.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Libypithecus markgrafi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Wadi-el-Natrun C WEN Depression, 1380 km NW Cairo Piacenzian
zwischen 2.59 und 3.6 Millionen Jahren
Muluk ETE Locality 1432, Zone C, Locality 2507, Wadi-el-Natrun C,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: time_unit, ETE age comment: Radiomet dats to hemphil assems N.Amer ETE rock type adj: claystone, ETE lithology comments: snd&cly layers w/frequent &irreg bd
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Gar El Muluk Hill Gar El Muluk Hill, Wadi Natrun Depression. Lat/long estimated based on Wadi el Natrun, Al Buhayrah, Egypt. Piacenzian
zwischen 2.59 und 3.6 Millionen Jahren
Gar El Muluk Gar El Muluk Formation, Gar El Muluk Hill
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
From Wamas et al. 2020: James and Slaughter (1974) studied the type section of Gar El-Muluk and gave it the Upper Pliocene age. Philip et al. 1975 assigned it to Upper Pliocene age based on its fossils and stratigraphic position. Also, Abu Zeid (1984), Abdullah (1996), El-Shahat, et al. (1997) suggested an Upper Pliocene age for the Muluk Formation. In the present study, Upper Pliocene age is adopted for the El-Muluk Formation. Green, sandy micaceous shales. The formation consists of 35 m (115 ft) of shales, calcareous sandstones and thin limestone beds. It has been assigned a lower to upper Pliocene age. The succession includes, in an ascending order: 1) black carbonaceous shales, GREEN SANDY MICACEOUS SHALES; 2) cross-bedded sandstones and shales; 3) a 30 cm thick bed of calcareous sandstones; 4) a 10 m interval composed of green sands and shales; 5) a 10 cm limestone bed; 6) dark shales and green gypsiferous sands with chert pebbles and gypsum breccia. Collection based on taxa listed in text as typical of formation. Includes only one mollusca, although plant fragments and fish bones are also mentioned.


G. T. James, B.H. Slaughter 1974, A Primitive New Middle Pliocenemurid from Wadi El Natrun,Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt. IV, p. 333 - 362
A. El-Shahat, S. N. Ayyad, M. A. Abdalla 1997, Pliocene Facies and Fossil Contents of Qaret EI-Muluk Formation at Wadi EI-Natrun Depression, Western Desert, Egypt. Facies. 37, p. 211 - 224