Chiromyoides potior (Plesiadapidae)

Chiromyoides potior ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Plesiadapidae, die ab dem Paläozän lebte, das vor rund 56,0 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor vor 33,9 Millionen Jahren andauerte.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Chiromyoides potior
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Carracas Station One mi W of Carracas Station on the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, San Juan Basin
county assignment uncertain
zwischen 56.8 und 61.7 Millionen Jahren
Tiffany (in part)
Kommentar z. Taxonomie
"lower 100 feet" of the "Tiffany beds"
township and range coordinates not given; possibly in Archuleta County
Reeside lists only "Tetraclaenodon cf. puercensis" and "P. cf. primaevus", but Thewissen 1990 lists several specimens of P. grangeri and P. vortmani from the 1921 Reeside USNM collection but not from Crowbar Creek, and Reeside collected only in these two localities
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Dell Creek Quarry Hoback Basin -
zwischen 56.8 und 61.7 Millionen Jahren
Hoback UM-Sub-Wy Locality 1
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
said to be late Tiffanian
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Ignacius frugivorus
Sammlung Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Bear Creek Thanetian
zwischen 55.8 und 56.8 Millionen Jahren
Fort Union Eagle Creek Mine; Eagle Coal Mine; Eagle Mine
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
Earlier literature referred to this as the 'Polecat Bench Formation' this is one of the "principal correlatives" of the Tiffanian; placed in the Clarkforkian by Rose and by Archibald et al. 1987, but in the Tiffanian by Korth 1984
record of Adunator ("Mckennatherium") ladae of Russell is dubious because Rose 1981a could not locate the material
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Dillerlemur pagei


P. D. Gingerich 1975, New North American Plesiadapidae (Mammalia, Primates) and a biostratigraphic zonation of the middle and upper Paleocene. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. 24:13, p. 135 - 148
J. A. Dorr, Jr. 1978, Revised and Amended Fossil Vertebrate Faunal Lists, Early Tertiary, Hoback Basin, Wyoming. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming. 16:2, p. 79 - 84
K. D. Rose 1981, The Clarkforkian Land-Mammal Age and Mammalian Faunal Composition Across the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology. 26:2, p. 1 - 197
