Macrotarsius jepseni (Omomyidae)

Macrotarsius jepseni ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Omomyidae, die ab dem Paläogen (Eozän) im Lutetium lebte, das vor rund 47,8 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 41,3 Millionen Jahren andauerte.


Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Macrotarsius jepseni
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Casa Blanca Lake Casa Blanca State Park Lutetian
zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren
Laredo TMM 42486; Spillway Quarry
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie Museum Kommentar z. Taxonomie
Uinta C "massive sandstone, fine-grained" TMM two isolated specimens are from nearby TMM 41871 and TMM 42185, which are in the same unit Westgate 1990 reports NISP 101 excluding rodents and indeterminate records; later publications report 288, for a total of 389 plus two species lacking counts; Westgate 1988 reports "nearly 700" and Westgate 1990 "over 700," and I believe the discrepancy is due to counting indeterminate specimens said to be Uinta C
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Omomys carteri
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation
White River Pocket White RIver Pocket is in "SE SW SE Sec. 5, T9S R20E" (Prothero 1996, p. 23) Lutetian
zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Taxonomie
this is in Prothero's Willow Creek-Ouray section in the central part of the basin and includes many "Uinta B" small mammals; however, other important Uinta B material is from Wagonhound Canyon to the east (see)
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Ourayia uintensis


J. W. Westgate 1988, Biostratigraphic implications of the first Eocene land-mammal fauna from the North American coastal plain. Geology. 16, p. 995 - 998
D. R. Prothero 1996, Magnetic stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the middle Eocene Uinta Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah. The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America. , p. 3 - 24