†Ourayia uintensis (Omomyidae)
Ourayia uintensis ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Omomyidae, die ab dem Paläogen (Eozän) im Lutetium lebte, das vor rund 47,8 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 41,3 Millionen Jahren andauerte.
Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Ourayia uintensis
Sammlung | Epoche, Alter | Geologie, Formation | Kommentar zur Sammlung | |
Junction (TMM 41443) | Lutetian zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren |
Devil's Graveyard | DUPLICATE REF 3667 or 3852 | |
Museum | Kommentar z. Taxonomie | |||
TMM | this is Junction sensu stricto underlies Whistler Squat said by Prothero 1996b to be Bridgerian; Figure 2 of Wilson indicates that it is roughly at the level of the Alamo Creek Basalt because both are above the "basal Tertiary conglomerate" and below the "variegated bentonites"; the ACB is dated at 46 Ma (KA), and a tuff just below it at 46.0 +/- 1.0 Ma (KA) and 46.29 +/- 0.05 Ma (AA); latter date seems best the following taxa are from Junction, exact locality unknown: Scenopagus priscus Centetodon pulcher ? Entomolestes sp. Nyctitherium velox cf. Pantolestes sp. |
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: | Omomys carteri |
Sammlung | Epoche, Alter | Geologie, Formation | Kommentar zur Sammlung | |
Junction (TMM 41443) | Lutetian zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren |
Devil's Graveyard | DUPLICATE REF 3667 or 3852 | |
Museum | Kommentar z. Taxonomie | |||
TMM | this is Junction sensu stricto underlies Whistler Squat said by Prothero 1996b to be Bridgerian; Figure 2 of Wilson indicates that it is roughly at the level of the Alamo Creek Basalt because both are above the "basal Tertiary conglomerate" and below the "variegated bentonites"; the ACB is dated at 46 Ma (KA), and a tuff just below it at 46.0 +/- 1.0 Ma (KA) and 46.29 +/- 0.05 Ma (AA); latter date seems best the following taxa are from Junction, exact locality unknown: Scenopagus priscus Centetodon pulcher ? Entomolestes sp. Nyctitherium velox cf. Pantolestes sp. |
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: | Omomys carteri |
Sammlung | Kommentar zum Fundort | Epoche, Alter | Geologie, Formation |
Kennedy's Hole | currently called Kennedy Wash according to Prothero 1996 (basis of coordinate) | Lutetian zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren |
Uinta |
Kommentar z. Taxonomie | |||
includes some parts of "Uinta C" list of Kay 1957 at top of Prothero's Wagonhound Canyon section in eastern Uintah County between White River Pocket and Myton Pocket based on Peterson 1928a, who places it at the base of Uinta C magnetic polarity stratigraphy of Prothero 1996a suggests that Kennedy's Hole and Myton Pocket are at a very similar level, but that an exact ordering is impossible |
Sammlung | Kommentar zum Fundort | Epoche, Alter | Geologie, Formation | Kommentar zur Sammlung |
Myton Pocket | "SW1/4 section 6, T.4S., R.1E." (Hamblin et al. 1999) | Lutetian zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren |
Uinta | Protylopus Quarry |
Kommentar z. Taxonomie | ||||
according to Burke 1934b, Myton Pocket was not discovered until 1912, so earlier Uinta C records cannot belong to it Kay's list is for all of Uinta C; I have removed records not tied to Myton Pocket by revised list of Prothero 1996a or other sources Black and Sutton also list "Leptotomus grangeri" Myton Pocket is 7 mi. E of Myton, Duchesne Co. (often said to be 6 mi E or SE of Myton) and is close to the base of Uinta C Protylopus Quarry is within Myton Pocket "Uintatherium sp." of Kay is probably erroneous, see Wheeler 1961 "Hyrachyus sp." could be Triplopus sensu Radinsky 1967a and no specimens are discussed in the literature "Mesamynodon medius" of Kay is of unclear status because no material of this species or its sometime synonym "Hyracodon primus" has ever been attributed to the Uinta Fm. sensu stricto "Hylomeryx simplicidens" of Kay appears to be a nomen nudum "Achaenodon sp." is listed by Kay, but no other publication suggests that this genus is present above Uinta B "Simimeryx minutus" is listed by Kay, but no specimen other than the type from Red Narrows is discussed in the literature |
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: | Ourayia hopsoni |
Sammlung | Kommentar zum Fundort | Epoche, Alter | Geologie, Formation | Kommentar zur Sammlung |
Wagonhound Canyon (Uinta B2) | Wagonhound Bend, on White River, Uinta County, Utah (Gaffney 1972) | Lutetian zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren |
Uinta | Wagonhound Bend |
Kommentar z. Taxonomie | ||||
this is Prothero's "B2" list, which I assign to Wagonhound Section based on section of Peterson quoted by Osborn, and on later section of Riggs 1912, which suggest that most early AMNH, Princeton, and CM collections from "White River," "eastern end of Uinta Basin," etc. are from the upper part of Wagonhound Canyon between Bonanza and Kennedy's Hole, all of which are to the west of Coyote Basin and considerably to the east of White River Pocket (see) the following records are strictly Uinta C according to Prothero or others but placed here by Kay 1957 or others: likely to include any of the following "Wagonhound member" records of Kay 1957 and "B" records of others: Thisbemys ("Paramys") medius (strictly Uinta C: Wood 1962) "Ischyrotomus gidleyi" (synonym of Reithroparamys sciuroides; type is said by Wood 1962 and Black and Sutton 1984 to be from the Myton Mbr.) Leptotomus leptodus Wood 1962: "Wagonhound member... White River"; includes type of "Paramys grangeri" of Matthew 1910b Bunomeryx elegans the following "Wagonhound" or "Uinta B" records are problematic for other reasons: Mytonomys mytonensis Korth 1988b (not mentioned by Prothero) "diacodont" Achaenodon insolens Peterson 1919: Douglass material from "Horizon B" (= Uinta B2), locality not given (species not recognized by Prothero) "Oxyaenodon wortmani": probably type of Van Valen 1966, a nomen dubium AMNH specimen from "Uinta B" "Isectolophus annectens" may be supposed Uinta C material of Peterson 1919 from "White River" or "Homogalax uintensis" type of Troxell 1922b from "mouth of the White River, Utah" |
Sammlung | Epoche, Alter | Geologie, Formation |
Washakie B (Upper) | Lutetian zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren |
Washakie |
Kommentar z. Taxonomie | ||
this unit spans beds 675 to 708 of Roehler and is above the interval of known magnetic polarity in the formation thought by McCarroll 1995 to be equivalent to either Uinta B1 or B2 |
Sammlung | Kommentar zum Fundort | Epoche, Alter | Geologie, Formation | |
White River Pocket | White RIver Pocket is in "SE SW SE Sec. 5, T9S R20E" (Prothero 1996, p. 23) | Lutetian zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren |
Uinta | |
Kommentar z. Taxonomie | ||||
this is in Prothero's Willow Creek-Ouray section in the central part of the basin and includes many "Uinta B" small mammals; however, other important Uinta B material is from Wagonhound Canyon to the east (see) | ||||
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: | Macrotarsius jepseni |
Sammlung | Epoche, Alter | Geologie, Formation | Kommentar zur Sammlung | |
Whistler Squat (TMM 41372) | Lutetian zwischen 40.4 und 46.2 Millionen Jahren |
Devil's Graveyard | Whistler Squat Quarry #2 DUPLICATE REF 3667 or 3852 |
Museum | Kommentar z. Taxonomie | |||
TMM | Wax Camp is shown to overlie Whistler Squat s.s. in fig. 1 of Gustafson 1979, but I suspect this is a diagrammatic conceit "lower 15.2 m" of Fm.: Gustafson 1986b KA dates of 49.7 +/- 1.2 Ma and 46.9 +/- 1.0 Ma on volcanic tuff directly underlying the site; KA date of 43.9 +/- 0.9 on tuff overlying site; weighted average is 46.1 Ma, but Walton 1992 claims that the 43.9 date is "The most reliable... in the DGF" and the other two dates are incompatible with the AA date of 46.29 Ma for the underlying Alamo Creek Basalt (see Prothero 1996b) overlies Junction and underlies Purple Bench/Serendipity/Titanothere Hill the following taxa are from Whistler Squat but exact locality is unknown: Omomys carteri - NOT described by West 1982 Equidae indet. ("Orohippus or Epihippus") "Dichobunidae indet." ? Malaquiferus sp. |
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: | Microsyops annectens |
L. Krishtalka 1978, Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming\r\nPart 15. Review of the late Eocene primates from Wyoming and Utah,\r\nand the Plesitarsiiformes. Annals of Carnegie Museum. 47:15, p. 335 - 360R. M. West 1982, Fossil Mammals from the Lower Buck Hill Group, Eocene of Trans-Pecos Texas: Marsupicarnivora, Primates, Taeniodonta, Condylarthra, Bunodont Artiodactyla, and Dinocerata. Pearce-Sellards Series. 35:15, p. 1 - 20
D. R. Prothero 1996, Magnetic stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the middle Eocene Uinta Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah. The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America. :15, p. 3 - 24
S. M. McCarroll, J. J. Flynn, W. D. Turnbull 1996, Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the Bridgerian-Uintan Washakie Formation, Washakie Basin, Wyoming. The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America. :15, p. 25 - 39, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
B. A. Williams, E. C. Kirk, W. D. Turnbull 2008, New Uintan primates from Texas and their implications for North American patterns of species richness during the Eocene. Journal of Human Evolution. 55:6, p. 927 - 941, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
C. J. Campisano, E. C. Kirk, K. E. B. Townsend, A. L. Deino 2014, Geochronological and Taxonomic Revisions of the Middle Eocene Whistler Squat Quarry (Devil’s Graveyard Formation, Texas) and Implications for the Early Uintan in Trans-Pecos Texas. PLoS ONE. 9:7, p. e101516 - 941, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101516