Langsonia liquidens

Langsonia liquidens ist eine Primatenart.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Langsonia liquidens
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Tham Khuyen "the cave of Tham Khuyen... on the border of a stream valley... approximately 7 km SE of Binh Gia, Lang Son Province... The entrance... lies about 200 m west of Route 1b... and about 20 m above the valley floor" (coordinate based on Binh Gia) Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.13 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
from "Two distinct breccia layers, a lower light red unit and an overlying darker red one... the darker one [contains] most of the fossil vertebrate remains... there is no sharp discontinuity between the layers, which were deposited during the same period... faunal analyses... suggest a late middle Pleistocene age (probably around 300-250 Ka) for the entire contained mammalian assemblage" "heavily calcified breccias that are rich in fossil bone and teeth" including "cobbles and small boulders"
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Gigantopithecus blacki


J. H. Schwartz, V. T. Long, N. L. Cuong, L. T. Kha, I. Tattersall 1995, A review of the Pleistocene hominoid fauna of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (excluding Hylobatidae). Anthropological Paper of the American Museum of Natural History. 76, p. 1 - 23
