Afropithecus turkanensis (Proconsulidae)

Afropithecus turkanensis ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Proconsulidae, die ab dem Neogen (Miozän) im Aquitanium lebte, das vor rund 23 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 20,4 Millionen Jahren andauerte.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Afropithecus turkanensis
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Kalodirr, west of Lake Turkana Kalodirr is located near the head-waters of the Kalodirr River (3°20’N, 35°45’E), extending from just south of the Lodwar-Kalakol road north to the Lokipenata Ridge; approximately 10km south of the Miocene localities: Losodok, Moruaret Hill and Moruarot. Burdigalian
zwischen 15.97 und 20.44 Millionen Jahren
Lothidok West Turkana, KNM-WK
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
the site of Kalodirr ("Oryx" in the Turkana language) is located at the headwater of the Kalodirr River (3?20'N, 35?45'E) between the Lokipenata Ridge and the Basalt Hills to the east (Boschetto et al. 1992; Leakey and Leakey 1986a, b). Grossman et al. 2009: The age of the Kalodirr fauna can be well constrained based on K/Ar dating of the underlying Kalodirr tuffs (17.5+/-10.2 Ma) and the overlying Naserte tuffs (16.8+/-0.2 Ma), which divide the Kalodirr Member from the younger Naserte Member of the Lothidok Formation.
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Turkanapithecus kalakolensis
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Locherangan, west of Lake Turkana "10 kilometers west of Kataboi... on a steep slope on the northern bank of the Locherangan River... The site... covers no more than 20 m2" coordinate stated as "3º47'N... 3º42'E" but this is apparently a typo because Kataboi is at 3º47'N 35º51'E Burdigalian
zwischen 15.97 und 20.44 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
from a "13.5 m" unit at the top of the local sequence there is an average K-Ar date of 17.5 +/- 0.3 Ma for five determinations on "two feldspar separates" coming from the "upper tuff" in the sequence, which is "slightly" below the fossiliferous unit "poorly consolidated red-brown claystones that are interbedded with red-brown consolidated conglomeratic sandstones. The fine grained deposits again contain fish bones, and mammal bones were noted in situ in the fine sandstone interbeds"
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Simiolus enjiessi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Moroto II (UPE collections) five nearby "fossilferous exposures" from "12 km north of Moroto Mountain, east Uganda" (Pickford et al. 2003) coordinate is for the primate locality that yields most of the new collections -
zwischen 11.61 und 23.03 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
Age constrained by being within Brachyodus range see comment on Moroto II concerning age assignment Moroto II and II fauna are Early Miocene–Middle Miocene in age (Pickford et al. 2003; Grossman et al. 2014; Pickford et al. 2017) the fluvial sediments include argillites, silts, and conglomerates List also records fossils collected from Moroto II prior to 1985; prior occurrences not recorded in the taxonomic list include: Lanistes carinatus and Hominoid
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Victoriapithecus macinnesi


R. E. Leakey, M. G. Leakey 1986, A new Miocene hominoid from Kenya. Nature. 324:13, p. 143 - 146
W. Anyonge, M. G. Leakey 1991, Fauna from a new Lower Miocene locality west of Lake Turkana, Kenya. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 11:3, p. 378 - 390
M. Pickford, B. Senut, D. Gommery, E. Musiime 2003, New Catarrhine fossils from Moroto II, Early Middle Miocene (ca 17.5 Ma) Uganda. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 2:8, p. 649 - 662
