Colobus guereza (Cercopithecidae)

Colobus guereza ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Cercopithecidae.



Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Colobus guereza
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Middle Awash - Issie Conditions for preservation of rodents were especially favorable. Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.01 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Wehaietu ETE Locality 950, Middle Awash - Issie, Isie,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: time_unit, ETE age comment: Fauna, artifacts, and stratigraphy suggest a middle-late Pleistocene age (c. 150-100 Ky). radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: Tan loosely consolidates silts and clays and minor sands
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Chlorocebus aethiops
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Middle Awash - Andalee mbr. Lat/long assigned from Andalee. Sangoan artifacts. Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.01 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Wehaietu ETE Locality 977, Middle Awash - Andalee mbr.,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: composite, ETE age comment: "Max age based on fauna,comp to Olduvai above Lemuta mbr;Min age = 8955y BP (C14 date from gewani)" radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: "sand, silt, clay. gravel, and lense of pebble conglomerate"
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Theropithecus oswaldi


J. E. Kalb, C. J. Jolly, A. Mebrate, S. Tebedge, C. Smart, E.B. Oswald, D. Cramer, P. Whitehead, C.B. Wood, G.C. Conroy, T. Adefris, L. Sperling, B. Kana 1982, Fossil Mammals and Artifacts from the Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia. Nature. 298, p. 25 - 29
J. E. Kalb, E.B. Oswald, S. Tebedge, A. Mebrate, E. Tola, D. Peak 1982, Geology and stratigraphy of Neogene deposits, Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia. Nature. 298, p. 17 - 25