Homo erectus (Hominidae)

Homo erectus ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Hominidae, die ab dem Pliozän lebte, das vor rund 5,333 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor vor 2,588 Millionen Jahren andauerte.


Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Homo erectus
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
West Turkana - Natoo region composite of twelve localities: KL1-2, KL5, LK3, NK2-4, NN, KI2, NA1, LP1, and NT;coordinates are for type section in Kaitio drainage Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Nachukui ETE Locality 91, Natoo region,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: between Lower Koobi Fora Tuff (=Okote Tuff; 1.64 +/- 0.03) &Lower Nariokotome Tuff (1.33 +/- 0.03) radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: pale yellow-brown, ETE lithology comments: also silt; thirteen fining upward cyclessand to silt; interbedded tuffs
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Theropithecus oswaldi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 123 - KBS 4937.5 km2 estimate from map; Bura Hasuma subregion Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 215, Area 123 - KBS,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: KBS and Okote Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: bioclastic, ETE lithology comments: brown mudstone
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 6 - Okote 934.5km2 estimate from map, Ileret subregion, seconds changed by one to allow separation on map Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 263, Area 6 - Okote,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Okote and Chari Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: red, ETE lithology comments: analcimic, upward-fining cycles, tuffaceous siltstone
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 15 - Upper Burgi 4918km2 estimate from map, Ileret/Il Dura subregion Gelasian
zwischen 1.81 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 289, Area 15 - Upper Burgi,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Lokalalei and KBS Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: upward-coarsening, interbedded detrital clastics and bioclastics
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 118 - KBS 7818j`km2 estimate from map, Karari Ridge, seconds changed for separation on map Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 306, Area 118 - KBS,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Max = KBS tuff, min = Okote Tuff ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: mudstone, caliche
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 1A - Okote 94384.4m2 estimate from map, Ileret subregion, seconds changed by one to allow separation on map Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 328, Area 1A - Okote,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Max = Okote tuff, Min = Chari Tuff radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: red, analcimic, ETE lithology comments: white dolomite band, upward-fining cycles
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 6A - Okote 3km2 estimate from map, Ileret subregion Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 335, Area 6A - Okote,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Max = Okote Tuff (1.64+-.03), Min = Chari Tuff (1.37+-.02) radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: red, analcimic, ETE lithology comments: white dolomite band, upward-fining cycles
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Paranthropus boisei
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Kapthurin fm. Lat/lg assign from Kapthurin R. Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.01 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Kapthurin ETE Locality 1096, Baringo, Kapthurin, Kapthurin fm.,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: composite, ETE age comment: Max age=.78 Ma;Min age=.25+/- .12 Ma (K/Ar dates from tuff K4) radiometric intage_min Detailed tephrochronology reports can be found in Blegen et al. 2018 (A new tephrochronology for early diverse stone tool technologies and long-distance raw material transport in the Middle to Late Pleistocene Kapthurin Formation, East Africa, Journal of Human Evolution) supporting Middle–Late Pleistocene age for the Kapthurin Fm. ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: coarsely-bed blder conglm>fn-gned volc tuffs
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Theropithecus oswaldi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Konso - KGA10 "W of Ethiop. Rift,N of Konso town" Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
ETE Locality 1332, KGA 10, Konso-Gardula 10, Konso - KGA10,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: "Marker beds,tephrastrat.&Ar/Ar on tuffs" radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: with sand, ETE lithology comments: Altern cly&silt/snd lyer.
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Paranthropus boisei
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Tighenif-general "20km E Mascara, Algeria" Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
ETE Locality 1424, Palikao, Ternifine, Tighenif-general
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Theropithecus oswaldi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
West Turkana - Nariokotome III see Natoo Fauna for details Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Nachukui ETE Locality 165, NK3, Nariokotome III,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: between Lower Koobi Fora Tuff (nearest date on Lower Okote Tuff-1.64 +/- 0.03) & Lower Nariokotome Tuff(1.33 +/- 0.03) radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: pale yellow-brown, ETE lithology comments: also silt; see Natoo Fauna
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 103 - KBS collecting area, 25km2 estimate from map, located in center of area Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 175, Area 103-KBS,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: KBS and Okote Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: bioclastic carbonate, mudstones, pedogenesis, caliche
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Paranthropus boisei
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 103 - Okote collection area, 25 km2 estimate from map, minutes changed by one to separate on map Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 176, Area 103-Okote,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Okote and Chari Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: tuffaceous, ETE lithology comments: Koobi Fora Tuff Complex, sands, mudstones, oolitic carbonates, upward-fining cycles, caliche
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 104 - KBS collection area, 28km2 estimate from map, located in center of area Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 178, Area 104-KBS,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: KBS and Okote tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: mudstone, caliche, bioclastic nature
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Cercopithecoides kimeui
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 1 - Okote 3km2 estimate from map, collection area, Ileret subregion Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 216, Area 1 - Okote,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Okote and Chari tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: tuffaceous, ETE lithology comments: includes red analcimic mudstone, dolomite bed
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Paranthropus boisei
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 127 - KBS 9918.75km2 estimate from map, Bura Hasuma Subregion seconds changed by one to allow separation on map Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 226, Area 127 - KBS,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: KBS and Okote Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: mudstone, caliche
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 123 - Upper Burgi 9937.5km2 estimate from map, Bura Hasuma subregion, seconds changed by one to allow separation on map Gelasian
zwischen 1.81 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 231, Area 123 - Upper Burgi,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Lokalalei and KBS Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: ostracod sands, silty diatomites
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Cercopithecoides williamsi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 1 - Okote 3km2 estimate from map, Ileret subregion, seconds changed by one to allow separation on map Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 254, Area 1 - Okote,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Okote and Chari Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: red, ETE lithology comments: upward-fining cycles, analcimic tuffaceous siltstones
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Paranthropus boisei
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 3 - Okote 3km2 estimate from map, Ileret subregion, seconds changed by one to allow separation on map Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 259, Area 3 - Okote,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Okote and Chari Tuffs ETE rock type adj: red, ETE lithology comments: analcimic, upward-fining cycles, tuffaceous siltstone
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Paranthropus boisei
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 8 - Okote 936.25km2 estimate from map,Ileret subregion, seconds changed by one to allow separation on map Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 269, Area 8 - Okote,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Okote and Chari Tuffs radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: upward-fining cycles, analcimic, tuffaceous siltstones with paleosols
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Paranthropus boisei
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Olduvai - WK Almost complete hippo skeleton, but probably not a butchering site. South side of gorge, ~2 km downstream from confluence of main and side gorges. # artifact horizons, including Hippo cliff. Includes WE E A + C Lower channel, hippo cliff. Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
ETE Locality 790, Olduvai - WK, Geologic Locality # 36, Wayland's Korongo,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Upper Bed IV radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: 0
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Cercopithecoides kimeui
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Middle Silts/Gravels mbr. lat/lg assig fr Kapthurin riv Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.01 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Kapthurin ETE Locality 1100, Baringo, Kapthurin, Middle Silts/Gravels mbr.,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: composite, ETE age comment: Max age = .78 Ma;Min age = .25 +/- .12 Ma radiometric intage_min Detailed tephrochronology reports can be found in Blegen et al. 2018 (A new tephrochronology for early diverse stone tool technologies and long-distance raw material transport in the Middle to Late Pleistocene Kapthurin Formation, East Africa, Journal of Human Evolution) supporting Middle–Late Pleistocene age for the Kapthurin Fm. ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: light-br prly-strat slts w/thin grav horiz
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Chlorocebus aethiops
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
M.A.S. lat/lg assig fr typ sec Kabarsero Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.01 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Kapthurin ETE Locality 1126, Baringo, MAS, Hominid Locality, M.A.S.,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: composite, ETE age comment: Max age = .78 Ma;Min age = .25 +/- .12 Ma radiometric intage_min Detailed tephrochronology reports can be found in Blegen et al. 2018 (A new tephrochronology for early diverse stone tool technologies and long-distance raw material transport in the Middle to Late Pleistocene Kapthurin Formation, East Africa, Journal of Human Evolution) supporting Middle–Late Pleistocene age for the Kapthurin Fm. ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: grey tuff
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Olduvai - VEK long gully on right bank of side gorge upstream of confluence with main gorge -
zwischen 0.78 und 5.33 Millionen Jahren
Olduvai ETE Locality 1159, Olduvai - VEK, Vivian Evelyn Fuch's Korongo, Geologic Locality #86,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: composite, ETE age comment: Bed II - Lemuta mbr dates according to Cerling and Hay. radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: olive, ETE lithology comments: 0
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
West Turkana - Nariokotome III (NK3) HS E bank trib to Nariokotome snd strm Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Nachukui ETE Locality 1166, Nariokotome III, NK 3, Nariokotome III (NK3) HS,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Max age=1.88 +/- .02 ;min age=1.39 +/- .02 radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: ., ETE lithology comments: clyst/sltst/sst/tuff
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
MNK Main Site - Beds III/Iv Acheulian artifacts Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 1.81 Millionen Jahren
Olduvai ETE Locality 1290, Site 71d, Arch Loc #71, Geologic Loc #88, Mary Nicol Korongo, MNK Main Site - Beds III/Iv,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Max age = 1.15 9Base of Bed III). Min age = 0.6 (Top of Bed IV). radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: detritus of volc/metam rks
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Thomas Quarry 1 level G South of Casablanca Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.13 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Th1-G, Hominid Level, H. erectus cave
hard pink filling overlain by stalagmitic layers
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Theropithecus oswaldi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Oulad Hamida 1 - Homo erectus cave south of Casablanca. Completely destroyed by quarrying. -
zwischen 0.01 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
OH1-HEC, \r\nThomas Quarry 3.\r\nThomas Quarry III
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
This site, formerly known as Thomas Quarry 3, has been completely destroyed by quarrying. Probably belongs to the same faunal unit as Thomas Quarry 1 (very approx. 0.7-0.6Ma). no microfauna found at the site, but cranial fragments of Homo erectus were found.
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Theropithecus oswaldi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Ain Maarouf from an irrigation ditch and surface deposits near El Hajeb. There are two towns named El Hajeb, the Lat/long used here are those from the Northern town. -
zwischen 0.01 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
l'Ain Maarouf
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
Found duing the digging of an irrigation channel. Fossils and Acheulean artefacts found on surface and in situ. 'They were all said to be from the Middle Terrace, dated as Tensifian. All fossils are dark coloured, yellow-brown or black.' The channel is now underwater. Similar in date to Tighenif, approx 0.7-0.8Ma.
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Yuanmou formation, fourth member, Shangnabang China, Yunnan province, Yuanmou county, in the Southeast of Yuanmou city, 500 m Northwest of Shangnabang village at the top of a little hill -
zwischen 0.01 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Yuanmou Yuanmo formation
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
Early Quaternary. The teeth of Home erectus yuanmouensis (Yuanmo-man)are from bed 25. From paleomagnetic data was the age of the Yuanmo-man estimated to be 1,7 M a. Thickness of the fourth member: 122,2 m. Alternation of sandy gravel, silty subclay and clay layers; in the clay and subclay occasionally ferruginous and calcareous concretions Some fossils are not listed by their species name: mammalia: Rodentia; plants: Taxodiaceae, Gramineae, Chenopodiaceae, Alnua, Artemisia
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Konso - Interval 5 "W of Ethiop. Rift,N of Konso town" Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
ETE Locality 1327, Contains KGA17, KGA7/8M, KGA7/8U, KGA-5M, KGA-12M, KGA 5, Konso-Gardula 5, Konso - 5,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Tephra samples:19-91&Tuff T-1 radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: 0
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Theropithecus oswaldi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Konso - Interval 4 "W of Ethiop. Rift,N of Konso town" Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
ETE Locality 1324, Level 4, Contains KGA 4E, KGA 10L, 11 ML, KGA 10M, KGA 10U, 11 MU, Konso-Gardula 4E, Konso - 4E
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Tephra samples:19-91&Tuff T-1 radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: 0
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Theropithecus oswaldi
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 130 - Upper Burgi 10223.8km2 estimate from map, northern Karari Ridge subregion, seconds changed to allow separation on map Gelasian
zwischen 1.81 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora ETE Locality 317, Area 130 - Upper Burgi,
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: max = Lokalalei tuff, min = KBS Tuff radiometric intage_min ETE rock type adj: lenticular, ETE lithology comments: mudstone, basaltic conglomerate
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Cercopithecoides kimeui
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Riparo di Visogliano, Trieste, Northern Italy Co-ordinates based on the village of Visogliano. Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.13 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
Middle Pleistocene.
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Nadaouiyeh Aïn Askar 90 km NE of Palmyra, N of the oasis of El Kowm, a.k.a. Tell el Kowm; coordinate based on Geonames entry for the hill of Al Kawm = El Koum Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.13 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
El Kowm
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
composite list based on excavations of 28 levels in a 30 m section that is said to span 500 - 350 kybp
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Olorgesailie - KNM-OL 45500 Hominin Site north of Lava Hump; coordinate based on LHS Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.13 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Olorgesailie Lava Hump
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
between Member 5 and Member 7 age estimated at 0.97 to 0.90 m.y. based on date of 0.974 Ma for underlying Member 5, and location of Brunhes/Matuyama boundary in lower Member 8 "poorly sorted sandy silt that contained angular volcanic sand... [hominin fossil] rested on well-sorted silt of an underlying paleosol."
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
East Turkana - Area 1 - KBS - KNM-ER 42700 coordinate based on other East Turkana - Area 1 collections Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Koobi Fora Ileret
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
from "1.5 m below the Main Ileret Caliche" (boundary between the KBS and Okote members) above the KBS Tuff (1.869 +/- 0.021 Myr) and below the Lower Ileret Tuff (1.527 +/- 0.14 Myr), but much closer to the latter and well above an ash correlated with a Shungura Formation ash that is just above the Morutot Tuff (1.607 +/- 0.019 Myr); estimated age 1.55 +/- 0.01 "assuming constant sedimentation rates" hominid specimen was "fully embedded in a matrix of coarse sandstones and carbonates... 1.5 m below the Main Ileret Caliiche" ("carbonates" probably refers to carbonate concretions shown at this level in a figure) well above the main beds yielding other mammals (see collection 21404)
Sammlung Epoche, Alter
Ci Saat Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
1.0-1.2 Ma
Sammlung Epoche, Alter
Trinil Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.13 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Trachypithecus cristatus
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Kedung Brubus coordinates are estimated from map (Fig. 20) Calabrian
zwischen 0.78 und 2.59 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
0.7-0.8 Ma
Sammlung Epoche, Alter
Ngandong Late Pleistocene
zwischen 0.01 und 0.13 Millionen Jahren
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Tham Khuyen "the cave of Tham Khuyen... on the border of a stream valley... approximately 7 km SE of Binh Gia, Lang Son Province... The entrance... lies about 200 m west of Route 1b... and about 20 m above the valley floor" (coordinate based on Binh Gia) Middle Pleistocene
zwischen 0.13 und 0.78 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
from "Two distinct breccia layers, a lower light red unit and an overlying darker red one... the darker one [contains] most of the fossil vertebrate remains... there is no sharp discontinuity between the layers, which were deposited during the same period... faunal analyses... suggest a late middle Pleistocene age (probably around 300-250 Ka) for the entire contained mammalian assemblage" "heavily calcified breccias that are rich in fossil bone and teeth" including "cobbles and small boulders"
U.a. am Fundort ausgegraben: Gigantopithecus blacki


C. Arambourg, R. Hoffstetter 1954, Decouverte en Afrique du Nord de restes humains du Paleolithique inferieur. C.R.Acad.Sci.(Paris). 239, p. 72 - 74
R. L. Hay, R. Hoffstetter 1976, Geology of the Olduvai Gorge. University of California Press, Berkeley.. , p. - 74
Q. Pu, F. Qian 1977, Identification of the Yuanmou fossil-man strata; study of the Yuanmou Formation. Acta Geologica Sinica (= Dizhi xuebao). 1977:1, p. 89 - 100
J. M. Harris, F. Qian 1983, Koobi Fora Research Project The Fossil Ungulates: Proboscidea, Perissodactyla, Suidae. Clarendon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. 2:1, p. - 100
F. L. Van Noten, B.A. Wood 1985, A new hominid from Baringo,Kenya. LAnthropologie. 89:1, p. 141 - 143
L. E. Frostick, I. Reid 1986, Evolution and sedimentary character of lake deltas fed by ephemeral rivers in the Turkana Basin, southern Kenya. Geological Society of America Special Publication. 25:1, p. 113 - 125
M. Pickford, I. Reid 1988, Geology and fauna of the middle Miocene hominoid site at Muruyur,Baringo District,Kenya. Human Evolution. 3:5, p. 381 - 390
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