Notharctidae ist der Familienname von 82 Primaten, die ab dem frühen Paläogen (Paläozän) im Thanetium vor 59,2 Millionen Jahren bis 56 Millionen Jahren lebten. Viele Überreste wurden in Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA) gefunden.
Die Mitglieder der vielgestaltigen Primaten-Familie Notharctidae waren im Eozän Nordamerikas und Europas weit verbreitet.
Sie gehören zu den bekanntesten aller fossilen Primaten, was zum großen Teil auf Gregory´s (1920) klassischen Studien über das Skelett von Notharctus zurückzuführen ist, einer Primatenart, die aus dem mittleren Eozän sehr gut bekannt ist. Eine Reihe neuerer Detailstudien des Skeletts und der damit verbundenen Art der Fortbewegung kommen zu unterschiedlichen Auffassungen: Einige Autoren sind der Meinung, dass sich Notharctus im Geäst in aufrechter Körperhaltung springend fortbewegte, ähnlich wie die heutigen Sifakas (Propithecus). Andere folgern aus ihren Studien, dass Notharctus generalisierter war, sich vierbeinig durch das Geäst fortbewegte und nur gelegentlich von einem Ast zum anderen sprang.
Die Anatomie des Handgelenks und der Hand (kurze und lange Mittelhandknochen, Finger- und Zehenglieder angepasst ans Greifen) ist mit heute lebenden vierbeinigen Lemuren vergleichbar (Hamrick, 1996; Hamrick & Alexander, 1996). Der vierte Finger von Notharctus ist wie bei heute lebenden Lemuren der längste. Alles in allem ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Notharctus und seine Verwandten aktive, baumlebende Primaten waren, die in vielerlei Hinsicht bereits den Lemuren ähnelten, sich aber noch nicht vollständig auf vertikales Klettern und Springen spezialisiert hatten.
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Die europäische Unterfamilie Cercamoniinae, die während des gesamten Eozäns existierte, scheint von von Cantius abzustammen. Bis heute sind mehrere Zweige der Cercamoniinae entdeckt worden. Ein Zweig wird von Europolemur vertreten. Diese Gattung umfasst mittelgroße Arten von 1 - 3 kg Körpergewicht (Fleagle, 1999), deren Gebisse Cantius ähneln, außer dass die oberen Molaren ein komplettes linguales Cingulum und einen cingularen Hypokonus aufweisen. Es gab eine Tendenz, die ersten Prämolaren zu verlieren und die unteren Prämolaren (P2) zu reduzieren. Teilskelette von Europolemur aus Messel in Deutschland weisen eine ähnliche Anatomie und ähnliche Proportionen wie Notharctus auf (Franzen & Frey, 1999).
Andere nennenswerte (mögliche) Cercamoniinae sind Djebelemur aus dem frühen Eozän Tunesiens, sowie die späteozänen Gattungen Aframonius aus Ägypten, Caenopithecus aus Europa und Mahgarita aus Texas. Die meisten Autoren sind sich einig, dass diese Gattungen zu den Adapiformes gehören, aber ihre genaue Beziehungen innerhalb der Gruppe sind problematisch. Dennoch zeugen sie von der enormen Ausbreitung der verschiedenen Adapiformes im Eozän.
E. D. Cope 1871, Third account of new Vertebrata from the Bridger Eocene of Wyoming Territory. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 12, p. 469 - 472J. L. Wortman 1903, Studies of Eocene Mammalia in the Marsh Collection, Peabody Museum. Part II. Primates. Suborder Cheiromyoidea. The American Journal of Science, series 4. 16, p. 345 - 368
W. Granger, W. K. Gregory 1917, A revision of the Eocene primates of the genus Notharctus. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 37:34, p. - 368
C. F. Cooper, W. K. Gregory 1932, On some mammalian remains from the Lower Eocene of the London Clay. Annals of Natural History. 10:9, p. 458 - 467
T. E. White, W. K. Gregory 1952, Preliminary analysis of the vertebrate fossil fauna of the Boysen Reservoir area. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 102:3296, p. 185 - 207
P. Robinson, W. K. Gregory 1957, The species Notharctus from the Middle Eocene. Postilla. 28:3296, p. 1 - 27
M. C. McKenna, W. K. Gregory 1960, Fossil Mammalia from the early Wasatchian Four Mile fauna, Eocene of northwest Colorado. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences. 37:1, p. 1 - 130
C. L. Gazin, W. K. Gregory 1962, A Further Study Of The Lower Eocene Mammalian Faunas Of Southwestern Wyoming. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 144:1, p. 1 - 98
C. L. Gazin, W. K. Gregory 1965, Early Eocene mammalian faunas and their environment in the vicinity of the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming. Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook. 19:1, p. 171 - 180
D. A. Guthrie, W. K. Gregory 1967, The mammalian fauna of the Lysite Member, Wind River Formation (early Eocene) of Wyoming. Memoirs of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. 5:1, p. 1 - 53
J.-L. Hartenberger, W. K. Gregory 1970, Les mammiferes d'Egerkingen et l'histoire des faunes de l'Eocene d'Europe. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France. 12:5, p. 886 - 893
F. S. Szalay, W. K. Gregory 1971, The European adapid primates Agerina and Pronycticebus. American Museum Novitates. 2466:5, p. 1 - 18
E. Delson, W. K. Gregory 1971, Fossil mammals of the early Wasatchian Powder River local fauna, Eocene of northeast. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 146:4, p. - 18
F. S. Szalay, W. K. Gregory 1971, The European adapid primates Agerina and Pronycticebus. American Museum Novitates. 2466:4, p. 1 - 18
R. M. West, W. K. Gregory 1973, Geology and mammalian paleontology of the New Fork-Big Sandy area, Sublette County, Wyoming. Fieldiana: Geology. 29:4, p. - 18
P. D. Gingerich, W. K. Gregory 1975, A new genus of Adapidae (Mammalia, Primates) from the late Eocene of southern France, and its significance for the origin of higher primates. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. 24:15, p. 163 - 170
C. L. Gazin, W. K. Gregory 1976, Mammalian Faunal Zones of the Bridger Middle Eocene. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology. 26:15, p. 1 - 25
P. D. Gingerich, E. L. Simons 1977, Systematics, phylogeny, and evolution of early Eocene Adapidae (Mammalia, Primates) in North America. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. 24:22, p. 245 - 279
M. E. Nelson, E. L. Simons 1977, Middle Eocene primates (Mammalia) from southwestern Wyoming. Southwestern Naturalist. 22:4, p. 487 - 493
J. Sudre, E. L. Simons 1978, Les artiodactyles de l'Eocene moyen et superieur d'Europe occidentale; systematique et evolution. Memoires et Travaux de l'Institut de Montpellier de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. 7:22, p. 1 - 229
P. D. Gingerich, E. L. Simons 1979, Phylogeny of middle Eocene Adapidae (Mammalia, Primates) in North America: Smilodectes and Notharctus. Journal of Paleontology. 53:1, p. 153 - 163
P. D. Gingerich, E. L. Simons 1980, Tytthaena parrisi, Oldest Known Oxyaenid (Mammalia, Creodonta) from the Late Paleocene of Western North America. Journal of Paleontology. 54:3, p. 570 - 576
D. M. Schankler, E. L. Simons 1980, Faunal Zonation of the Willwood Formation in the Central Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology. 24:3, p. 99 - 114
R. F. Butler, P. D. Gingerich, E. H. Lindsay 1981, Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of Paleocene and Lower Eocene Continental Deposits, Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Geology. 89:3, p. - 114
S. G. Lucas, R. M. Schoch, E. Manning 1981, The Systematics of Forstercooperia, a Middle to Late Eocene Hyracodontid (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotoidea) from Asia and Western North America. Journal of Paleontology. 55:4, p. 826 - 841
R. M. West, R. M. Schoch, E. Manning 1982, Fossil Mammals from the Lower Buck Hill Group, Eocene of Trans-Pecos Texas: Marsupicarnivora, Primates, Taeniodonta, Condylarthra, Bunodont Artiodactyla, and Dinocerata. Pearce-Sellards Series. 35:4, p. 1 - 20
W. W. Korth, R. L. Evander, E. Manning 1982, A New Species of Orohippus (Perissodactyla, Equidae) from the Early Eocene of Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2:2, p. 167 - 171
I. Tattersall, J. H. Schwartz, E. Manning 1983, A reappraisal of the European Eocene primate Periconodon. Palaeontology. 26:1, p. 227 - 230
A. J. Kihm, J. H. Schwartz, E. Manning 1984, Early Eocene Mammalian Fauna of the Piceance Creek Basin. Northwestern Colorado. . :1, p. - 230
L. Krishtalka, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1984, Middle Eocene marsupials (Mammalia) from northeastern Utah and the mammalian fauna from Powder Wash. Annals of Carnegie Museum. 53:2, p. 31 - 46
A. J. Kihm, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1984, Early Eocene Mammalian Fauna of the Piceance Creek Basin. Northwestern Colorado. . :2, p. - 46
R. K. Stucky, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1984, Revision of the Wind River faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 5. Geology and biostratigraphy of the upper part of the Wind River Formation, northeastern Wind River Basin. Annals of Carnegie Museum. 53:9, p. 231 - 294
A. J. Kihm, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1984, Early Eocene Mammalian Fauna of the Piceance Creek Basin. Northwestern Colorado. . :9, p. - 294
J. R. Davidson, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1987, Geology and mammalian paleontology of the Wind River Formation, Laramie Basin, southeastern Wyoming. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming. 25:2, p. 103-132 - 294
H. W. Roehler, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1987, Geological investigations of the Vermillion Creek coal bed in the Eocene Niland Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, Sweetwater County, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper. 1314-C:2, p. 25 - 45
J. R. Davidson, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1987, Geology and mammalian paleontology of the Wind River Formation, Laramie Basin, southeastern Wyoming. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming. 25:2, p. 103-132 - 45
D. L. Gebo, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1987, Humeral Morphology of Cantius, an Early Eocene Adapid. Folia Primatologica. 49:2, p. - 45
J. L. Franzen, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1987, Ein neuer Primate aus dem Mitteleozän der Grube Messel (Deutschland, S-Hessen); (A new primate from the Middle Eocene of Grube Messel (Germany, Southern Hessen)).. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. 91:2, p. 151 - 187
J. R. Davidson, R. K. Stucky, E. Manning 1987, Geology and mammalian paleontology of the Wind River Formation, Laramie Basin, southeastern Wyoming. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming. 25:2, p. 103-132 - 187
J. G. M. Thewissen, P. D. Gingerich, D. E. Russell 1987, Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla (Mammalia) from the early-middle Eocene Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan). Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. 27:11, p. 247 - 274
J. R. Davidson, P. D. Gingerich, D. E. Russell 1987, Geology and mammalian paleontology of the Wind River Formation, Laramie Basin, southeastern Wyoming. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming. 25:2, p. 103-132 - 274
K. C. Beard, P. D. Gingerich, D. E. Russell 1988, New notharctine primate fossils from the early Eocene of New Mexico and southern Wyoming and the phylogeny of Notharctinae. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 75:4, p. 439 - 469
J. G. Honey, P. D. Gingerich, D. E. Russell 1988, A Mammalian Fauna from the Base of the Eocene Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, Cottonwood Creek Area,\r\nSoutheast Washakie Basin, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Bulletin. 1669-C:1, p. C1 - C14, DOI: 10.3133/b1669AC
K. C. Beard, P. D. Gingerich, D. E. Russell 1988, New notharctine primate fossils from the early Eocene of New Mexico and southern Wyoming and the phylogeny of Notharctinae. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 75:4, p. 439 - 469, DOI: 10.3133/b1669AC
M. Godinot, P. D. Gingerich, D. E. Russell 1988, Le gisement du Bretou (Phosphorites du Quercy, Tarn-et-Garonne, France) et sa faune des vertebres de l'Eocene superieur; VI, Primates. [The Bretou locality (Quercy Phosphorites, Tarn-et-Garonne, France) and its late Eocene vertebrate fauna.]. Palaeontographica Abteilung A. 205:1-6, p. 113 - 127, DOI: 10.3133/b1669AC
J.-Y. Crochet, M. Godinot, J.-L. Hartenberger, J. A. Remy, B. Sigé, J. Sudre 1988, Découverte dans le bassin de Saint-Martin-de-Londres (Hérault, Sud de la France) d'un gisement à vertébrés continentaux d'âge Eocène moyen. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. 107:4, p. 419 - 434, DOI: 10.3133/b1669AC
P. D. Gingerich, M. Godinot, J.-L. Hartenberger, J. A. Remy, B. Sigé, J. Sudre 1989, New earliest Wasatchian mammalian fauna from the Eocene of northwestern Wyoming: composition and diversity in a rarely sampled high-floodplain assemblage. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology. 28:4, p. 1 - 97, DOI: 10.3133/b1669AC
P. Peláez-Campomanes, A. De la Peña, N. Lopéz Martínez 1989, Primeras faunas de micromamiferos del Paleogeno de la Cuenca del Duero. Studia Geologica Salmanticensia. 5:4, p. 135 - 157, DOI: 10.3133/b1669AC
P. D. Gingerich, A. De la Peña, N. Lopéz Martínez 1989, New earliest Wasatchian mammalian fauna from the Eocene of northwestern Wyoming: composition and diversity in a rarely sampled high-floodplain assemblage. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology. 28:4, p. 1 - 97, DOI: 10.3133/b1669AC
R. J. Emry, A. De la Peña, N. Lopéz Martínez 1990, Mammals of the Bridgerian (middle Eocene) Elderberry Canyon Local Fauna of eastern Nevada. Dawn of the Age of Mammals in the Northern Part of the Rocky Mountain Interior, North America. Geological Society of America Special Paper. 243:4, p. 187 - 210, DOI: 10.3133/b1669AC
R. K. Stucky, L. Krishtalka, A. D. Redline 1990, Geology, vertebrate fauna, and paleoecology of the Buck Spring Quarries (early Eocene, Wind River Formation), Wyoming. Geological Society of America Special Paper. 243:4, p. - 210, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels, P. D. Ginberich, V. Torres 1992, Wapiti Valley Faunas: Early and Middle Eocene Fossil Vertebrates from the North Fork of the Shoshone River, Park County, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. 28:11, p. 247 - 287, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
T. E. Williamson, S. G. Lucas, P. D. Ginberich, V. Torres 1992, Meniscotherium (Mammalia, "Condylarthra) from the Paleocene-Eocene of Western North America). New Mex Museum of Natural History Science Bulletin. 1:11, p. 1 - 75, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
T. M. Bown, K. D. Rose, E. L. Simons, S. L. Wing 1994, Distribution and stratigraphic correlation of upper Paleocene and lower Eocene fossil mammal and plant localities of the Fort Union, Willwood, and Tatman formations, southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper. 1540:11, p. 1 - 103, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
J. J. Hooker, K. D. Rose, E. L. Simons, S. L. Wing 1994, A new species of Platychoerops (Plesiadapiformes, Mammalia) from the latest Palaeocene of the Paris, London and Belgian Basins. Geobios. 27:3, p. 343 - 352, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
J. P. Alexander, K. D. Rose, E. L. Simons, S. L. Wing 1994, Sympatry of two species of Notharctus in the Bridger Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 14:3, suppl., p. 14A - 352, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
R. K. Stucky, K. D. Rose, E. L. Simons, S. L. Wing 1994, Personal communication regarding identifications of Eocene mammals. . :3, suppl., p. - 352, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
T. M. Bown, K. D. Rose, E. L. Simons, S. L. Wing 1994, Distribution and stratigraphic correlation of upper Paleocene and lower Eocene fossil mammal and plant localities of the Fort Union, Willwood, and Tatman formations, southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper. 1540:3, suppl., p. 1 - 103, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
G. F. Gunnell, K. D. Rose, E. L. Simons, S. L. Wing 1995, New notharctine (primates, adapiformes) skull from the Uintan (middle Eocene) of San Diego County, California. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 98:3, suppl., p. 447 - 470, DOI: 10.1130/SPE243-p169
S. M. McCarroll, J. J. Flynn, W. D. Turnbull 1996, Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the Bridgerian-Uintan Washakie Formation, Washakie Basin, Wyoming. The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America. :3, suppl., p. 25 - 39, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
M. C. Maas, M. O'Leary, W. D. Turnbull 1996, Evolution of molar enamel microstructure in North American Notharctidae (primates). Journal of Human Evolution. 31:3, suppl., p. - 39, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
R. K. Stucky, D. R. Prothero, W. G. Lohr, J. R. Snyder 1996, Magnetic stratigraphy, sedimentology, and mammalian faunas of the early Uintan Washakie Formation, Sand Wash Basin, northwestern Colorado. The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America. :3, suppl., p. 40 - 51, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
M. C. Maas, M. O'Leary, W. G. Lohr, J. R. Snyder 1996, Evolution of molar enamel microstructure in North American Notharctidae (primates). Journal of Human Evolution. 31:3, suppl., p. - 51, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, M. O'Leary, W. D. Turnbull 1997, Stratigraphy and mammalian paleontology of the McCullough Peaks, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Implications for biochronology, basin development, and community reorganization across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan. :3, suppl., p. - 39, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, J.-P. Zonneveld, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Magnetostratigraphy across the Wasatchian-Bridgerian boundary (early to middle Eocene) in the western Green River Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Geology. 105:3, suppl., p. 657 - 669, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, J.-P. Zonneveld, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Stratigraphy and mammalian paleontology of the McCullough Peaks, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Implications for biochronology, basin development, and community reorganization across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan. :3, suppl., p. - 669, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
E. L. Simons, J.-P. Zonneveld, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Discovery of the Smallest Fayum Egyptian Primates (Anchomomyini, Adapidae). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 94:1, p. 180 - 184, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, J.-P. Zonneveld, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Stratigraphy and mammalian paleontology of the McCullough Peaks, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Implications for biochronology, basin development, and community reorganization across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan. :1, p. - 184, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, J.-P. Zonneveld, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Magnetostratigraphy across the Wasatchian-Bridgerian boundary (early to middle Eocene) in the western Green River Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Geology. 105:1, p. 657 - 669, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, J.-P. Zonneveld, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Stratigraphy and mammalian paleontology of the McCullough Peaks, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Implications for biochronology, basin development, and community reorganization across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan. :1, p. - 669, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
P. Robinson, B. A. Williams, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Species diversity, tooth size, and shape of Haplomylus (Condylarthra, Hyopsodontidae) from the Powder River Basin, northeastern Wyoming. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming. 31:2, p. 59 - 78, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, B. A. Williams, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Stratigraphy and mammalian paleontology of the McCullough Peaks, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Implications for biochronology, basin development, and community reorganization across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan. :2, p. - 78, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, J.-P. Zonneveld, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Magnetostratigraphy across the Wasatchian-Bridgerian boundary (early to middle Eocene) in the western Green River Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Geology. 105:2, p. 657 - 669, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
W. C. Clyde, J.-P. Zonneveld, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1997, Stratigraphy and mammalian paleontology of the McCullough Peaks, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Implications for biochronology, basin development, and community reorganization across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan. :2, p. - 669, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
G. F. Gunnell, B. A. Williams, J. Stamatakos, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 1998, Mammalian Fauna From the Lower Bridger Formation (Bridger A, Early Middle Eocene) of the Southern Green River Basin, Wyoming. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. 30:3, p. 83 - 130, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
J.-P. Zonneveld, G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels 2000, Early Eocene fossil vertebrates from the southwestern Green River Basin, Lincoln and Uinta counties, Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 20:2, p. 369 - 386, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
R. V. Hill, J. G. Honey, M. A. O'Leary 2000, New fossils from the early Eocene Four Mile Area and improved relative dating of vertebrate localities. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 20:3, p. 48A - 386, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
G. F. Gunnell, W. S. Bartels, W. S. Bartels 2001, Basin margins, biodiversity, evolutionary innovation, and the origin of new taxa. Eocene biodiversity: unusual occurrences and rarely sampled habitats (G. F. Gunnell, ed.). :2, p. 403 - 432, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
J. G. M. Thewissen, E. M. Williams, S.T. Hussain 2001, Eocene mammal faunas from northern Indo-Pakistan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 21:2, p. 347 - 366, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
J. Alroy, E. M. Williams, S.T. Hussain 2002, Synonymies and reidentifications of North American fossil mammals. . :2, p. - 366, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
G. F. Gunnell, E. M. Williams, S.T. Hussain 2002, Notharctine primates (Adapiformes) from the early to middle Eocene (Wasatchian-Bridgerian) of Wyoming: transitional species and the origins of Notharctus and Smilodectes. Journal of Human Evolution. 43:3, p. 353 - 380, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
J. Alroy, E. M. Williams, S.T. Hussain 2002, Synonymies and reidentifications of North American fossil mammals. . :3, p. - 380, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
K. T. Smith, P. A. Holroyd, S.T. Hussain 2003, Rare taxa, biostratigraphy, and the Wasatchian-Bridgerian boundary in North America. Geological Society of America Special Paper. 369:3, p. 501 - 511, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
J. L. Franzen, P. A. Holroyd, S.T. Hussain 2004, First fossil primates from Eckfeld Maar, Middle Eocene (Eifel, Germany). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 97:2, p. 213 - 220, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
M. J. Benton, E. Cook, J. J. Hooker 2005, Mesozoic and Tertiary Fossil Mammals and Birds of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series. 32:2, p. 215 - 220, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
S. Bajpai, V. V. Kapur, J. G. M. Thewissen, D. P. Das, B. N. Tiwari, R. Sharma, N. Saravanan 2005, Early Eocene primates from Vastan Lignite Mine, Gujarat, western India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. 50:2, p. 43 - 54, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
K. D. Rose, R. S. Rana, A. Sahni, T. Smith 2007, A new adapoid primate from the early Eocene of India. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. 31:14, p. 379 - 385, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
S. Bajpai, R. F. Kay, B. A. Williams, D. P. Das, V. V. Kapur, B. N. Tiwari 2008, Oldest Asian record of Anthropoidea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 105:14, p. 11093- - 11098, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
G. F. Gunnell, P. D. Gingerich, M. Haq, J. I. Bloch, I. H. Khan, W. C. Clyde 2008, New primates (Mammalia) from the early and middle Eocene of Pakistan and their paleobiogeographical implications. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. 32:1, p. 1 - 14, DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.003
J. Marigó, R. Minwer-Barakat, S. Moyà-Solà 2010, New Anchomomyini (Adapoidea, Primates) from the Mazaterón Middle Eocene locality (Almazán Basin, Soria, Spain). Journal of Human Evolution. 58:2, p. 353 - 361, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2010.01.011
J. J. Hooker, R. Minwer-Barakat, S. Moyà-Solà 2010, The mammal fauna of the early Eocene Blackheath Formation of Abbey Wood, London. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society. 165:2, p. 1 - 162, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2010.01.011
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