Yuanmou formation, fourth member, Shangnabang, China

Fundort: Yuanmou formation, fourth member, Shangnabang, China, Yunnan, China
Taxon: Homo erectus aus der Familie Hominidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
Macrofossils, Early Quaternary. The teeth of Home erectus yuanmouensis (Yuanmo-man)are from bed 25. From paleomagnetic data was the age of the Yuanmo-man estimated to be 1,7 M a. Thickness of the fourth member: 122,2 m., Alternation of sandy gravel, silty subclay and clay layers; in the clay and subclay occasionally ferruginous and calcareous concretions
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 0,0117 und 2,588 Millionen Jahre aus der Yuanmou Formation in China
Geologie, Sratigraphie Gelasian, Calabrian, Middle Pleistocene, Late Pleistocene / Pleistocene / Yuanmou
Koordinaten: 24° 52 ' 12 '' N, 100° 56 ' 24 '' O


Q. Pu, F. Qian 1977, Identification of the Yuanmou fossil-man strata; study of the Yuanmou Formation. Acta Geologica Sinica (= Dizhi xuebao). 1977:1, p. 89 - 100
