Kanapoi, Kenia

Fundort: Kanapoi, Kenia, , Kenia
Taxon: Australopithecus anamensis aus der Familie Hominidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
Macrofossils, dating method: absolute, age comment: "Max age=4.17+/-.03 my,lower pumiceous tuff;Min age=3.26+/-.04 my,Kalokwanya basalt" radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min The fossil fauna of Kanapoi was dated between 4.19 Ma and 4.11 Ma (Feibel, 2003; McDougall and Brown, 2008),, rock type adj: 0, lithology comments: Basal:chan ss&floodplain paleosols;Mid:lacus clayst&deltiac ss;Top:fluv conglom
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 3,6 und 5,333 Millionen Jahre aus der Kanapoi Formation in Kenia
Geologie, Sratigraphie Zanclean / Zanclean / Kanapoi
Koordinaten: 2° 19 ' 0 '' N, 36° 4 ' 0 '' O


B. Patterson, A. K. Behrensmeyer, W.D. Sill 1970, Geology and Fauna of a New Pliocene Locality in North- western Kenya. Nature. 226, p. 918 - 921
