Apidima Cave A, Griechenland

Fundort: Apidima Cave A, Griechenland, Lakonia, Griechenland
Taxon: Homo neanderthalensis aus der Familie Hominidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
Macrofossils,mesofossils, The Apidima caves are karstic formations within the Middle Triassic-Late Eocene limestone (Plattenkalk) of depth 500m, from 4m to 24m above sea level, in a vertical zone of depth 20m. Very thick and cohesive breccia up to 23m above sea level. Dated using ESR on travertine calcite and fossils - two samples with dates of 250-450,000 and 200-300,000BP. "As the Apidima fauna is stratigraphically mixed, careful interpretation is required", Quaternary terrestrial deposits are represented, in some places, by very cohesive cemented breccias, sometimes with fossils; and scree and talus cones compacted during the Mindel, Riss and Wurm. The Apidima caves are karstic formations within the Middle Triassic-Late Eocene limestone (Plattenhalk).
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 0,0117 und 0,781 Millionen Jahre aus der Formation in Griechenland
Geologie, Sratigraphie Middle Pleistocene, Late Pleistocene / Middle Pleistocene /
Koordinaten: 37° 0 ' 0 '' N, 22° 34 ' 59 '' O


K. Harvati, C. Roding, A. M. Bosman, F. A. Karakostis, R. Grün, C. Stringer, P. Karkanas, N. C. Thompson, V. Koutoulidis, L. A. Moulopoulos, V. G. Gorgoulis, M. Kouloukoussa 2019, Apidima Cave fossils provide earliestevidence of Homo sapiens in Eurasia. Nature. 571, p. 500 - 504, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1376-z
