Monticino, Italien

Fundort: Monticino, Italien, Ravenna, Italien
Taxon: Mesopithecus pentelicus aus der Familie Cercopithecidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
Macrofossils,mesofossils, Also mentioned as Turolian in an earlier paper. "The fossil remains are preserved within the sediments of the Colombacci Formation, filling paleokarst features affecting the underlying Gessoso-solfifera Formation, and sealed by marine clays of Pliocene Argille Azzurre Formation. Such a geological framework allowed quite a firm chronological attribution for the paleofauna, referred to the latest Messinian, about 5.4 million years ago." - Rook et al (2015), "[... superficial paleo-karstic morphologies and a network of tectonic-karst cracks in the gypsum, filled with sediments of the Colombacci Formation, containing important fossil remains of continental vertebrates]" - translated from the Italian (Rook et al, 2015)
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 5,333 und 7,246 Millionen Jahre aus der Colombacci Formation in Italien
Geologie, Sratigraphie Messinian / Messinian / Colombacci
Koordinaten: 44° 13 ' 0 '' N, 11° 46 ' 0 '' O


L. Rook, M. Delfino, M. Sami 2015, I vertebrati fossili della cava del Monticino di Brisighella: una finestra sui\r\npopolamenti continentali del Mediterraneo nel Miocene superiore. Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Speleologia. 28, p. 79 - 100
