Marathousa 1, unit UB4, Griechenland
Fundort: | Marathousa 1, unit UB4, Griechenland, , Griechenland | |
Taxon: | Macaca sylvanus aus der Familie Cercopithecidae | |
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle: | ||
Macrofossils,mesofossils, Weighted mean of several optically stimulated luminescence dates, Layer 4 is a 0.6–1.8m-thick deposit of dark brown silty sand, rich in organic remains and interbedded with lenses of fine sands, some of which are laminated. The underlying Layer 5 is composed of greyish clayey sand, and it is more homogeneous in structure than the previous layer. In addition to lithic artefacts, and with the exception of small (usually < 20mm) sandstone and limestone gravels that occur very sporadically, all layers in the sequence generally lack any rocks. | ||
Geschätztes Alter der Fundstelle: |
zwischen 0,126 und 0,781 Millionen Jahre aus der Formation in Griechenland | |
Geologie, Sratigraphie | Middle Pleistocene / Middle Pleistocene / | |
Koordinaten: | 37° 24 ' 17 '' N, 22° 5 ' 5 '' O | |
Die Daten sowie die folgende Systematik stammen aus der Paleobiology Database, Lizenz
LiteraturG. E. Konidaris, A. Athanassiou, E. Panagopoulou, K. Harvati 2022, First record of Macaca (Cercopithecidae, Primates) in the Middle Pleistocene of Greece. Journal of Human Evolution. 122:103104, p. 1 - 14, DOI: |