Betfia 13, Rumänien

Fundort: Betfia 13, Rumänien, , Rumänien
Taxon: Macaca sylvanus aus der Familie Cercopithecidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
Macrofossils,mesofossils, Cave deposit. The abundance of Mimomys species and the appearance of two primitive species of arhizodont arvicolids make it possible to place this fauna at the beginning of the Biharian (Early Pleistocene, Eburonian). The large number of Villanyian survivors justifies such a dating. Is subsequent to the first Eburonian cooling, and probably corresponds to a warming phase in the middle of this glacial complex., A calcareous, slightly cemented breccia with terra-rossa, accumulated in a karstic fissure.
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 0,781 und 2,588 Millionen Jahre aus der Formation in Rumänien
Geologie, Sratigraphie Gelasian, Calabrian / Early Pleistocene /
Koordinaten: 46° 58 ' 0 '' N, 22° 1 ' 59 '' O


E. Terzea 1996, Biochronology of the Pleistocene deposits at Betfia (Bihor, Romania). Acta Zoologica Cracovensia. 39:1, p. 531 - 540
