Lothagam-Lower Nawata Mb., Kenia

Fundort: Lothagam-Lower Nawata Mb., Kenia, , Kenia
Taxon: Parapapio lothagamensis aus der Familie Cercopithecidae
Fossilien und Beschreibung der Fundstelle:
Macrofossils,mesofossils, K-Ar dating constrains lower Nawata to 7.44 +/- 0.05 Ma and 6.54 +/- 0.04 Ma (Marker Tuff). , In the type section, roughly 20% of the sequence consists of conglomerats, 34% sandstones, 36% mudstones, and 10% altered tephra. Sandstones of the member typically display well-developed low-angle planar (epsilon) cross stratification, along with a variety of medium to large scale trough and planar cross bedding. Mudstones of the member typically display the wedge-shaped polygons and large-scale, slickensided dish fractures of vertisols. The basal strata of the Lower Nawata include numerous volcanic-cobble conglomerates, but such coarse lithologies are not seen higher in the member. The uppermost unit of the Lower Nawata is a prominent marker complex termed the Red Marker. This is a heterogeneous mix of sandstones and mudstones, which have a strong secondary component of analcome and iron oxides. Other noteworthy marker units witin the Lower Nawata include the Lower Markers (an altered tephra complex), the Gateway sandstone, and the Middle Markers (another tephra sequence).
Geschätztes Alter
der Fundstelle:
zwischen 5,333 und 11,62 Millionen Jahre aus der Nawata Formation in Kenia
Geologie, Sratigraphie Tortonian, Messinian / Tortonian / Nawata
Koordinaten: 2° 53 ' 60 '' N, 36° 2 ' 59 '' O


M. G. Leakey, J. M. Harris 2003, Lothagam: the dawn of humanity in eastern Africa. Lothagam: the dawn of humanity in eastern Africa. , p. 678
